Lesbians Love “Special” Weddings

Lesbians love weddings. According to the Google Adwords Keywords Tool, the most popular word that people enter into their Google searches after lesbian is not, say, dating, or mullet, or dolphins…no, it is weddings, and wedding variants such as lesbian wedding attire, lesbian wedding suits, lesbian wedding invitations, lesbian wedding planner, etc.  When we asked the Keywords tool for popular search terms after lesbian, 17 out of 24 had wedding in the results (the others included hot button issues like adoption and lesbian clothing).

Wedding blogs certainly seem to love lesbians almost as much as lesbians love weddings– the top search result for lesbian weddings is a tumblr featuring lesbian wedding photos (http://lesbianweddings.tumblr.com/), and Offbeat Bride (offbeatbride.com) include several same-sex weddings.

We’ll take on lesbian weddings again in a future post, but for now here is a top ten list about lesbian weddings:

Top Ten List of Things Queers Think Make Their Weddings Special, But Everyone Else Is Actually Already Doing

1. Wear a bow tie (bonus points if bow tie is found at a thrift store or inherited from grandparent)

2. Make a dress out of an old table cloth (bonus points if table cloth is found at a thrift store or inherited from grandparent)

3. Have a choreographed dance to a song from the 80s, preferably while walking down the aisle

4. Drink out of a mason jar (bonus points if 100 mason jars are found at a thrift store or inherited from grandparent)

5. Have a ceremony that has no gender OR mention of a lifelong commitment

6. Using buttons for things other than closing pants and shirts (bonus points if buttons found at thrift store or inherited from grandparent)

7. Giving the wedding a DIY feel by making bouquets/centerpieces/invitations out of felt, paper, duct tape and buttons (see #6)

8. Walking down the aisle together from the front/back/side/sky/subway tunnel, preferably to a choreographed dance to a song from the 80s

9. Self-catering to give the wedding even more of a DIY feel (bonus points for ample vegan options)

10. Making friends craft stuff for wedding (see #7)

Lesbians and “special” weddings.  What’s up with that?