Single Lesbians Love…

The single lesbian.  Real, or myth?  To be sure, searching for a single lesbian can be like searching for a unicorn or a leprechaun (or a unicorn leprechaun guarding a pot of gold at the end of a very gay rainbow) especially if you yourself are a single lesbian.  We’ve all heard about how our people like to bring U-hauls on the first date and partner up for years – even if there’s no sex involved! (see future post on lesbian bed death)  But the lespreunichaun does exist.  We know – one of us was even single for the better part of six years.  And when single, one likes to think that they are doing everything they can to find a date, or just enjoying being single.  But really, in our totally representative experience, this poorly made  pie chart shows how most single dykes spend their time:

The single lesbian, what’s up with that?